

International expansion support for SMEs



Foodstuff adopted for embassy party after F/S survey in Canada

Release 2017.02.24
Update 2024.8.7

Company E

Fisheries processing / Hyogo

Profile of Company E

【Business】 Fisheries processing, wholesale and retail (directly managed stores) Research and development

【Capital】 4 million yen

【Number of employees】5


Inquiries and issues

How can we make the international market understand the umami and delicate taste of our products?

Paccloa’s Proposals and Support

Formulation of international business plan

F/S survey conducted in Vancouver, Ontario, Canada

Confirmation and documentation of import regulations for processed marine products in Canada

Conducted tasting in Canada

Support for preparation of presentation materials for international target audience

Attend dinner (business meeting) with potential local distributors


First order from the Embassy of Japan in Canada

Canadian food industry distribution understanding and pricing

How to promote your flavor to international targets

Know-how to negotiate with international distributors

Testimonial from the president

Q1 What was the status of your company’s international expansion at the beginning?

The company was passive and only exported when ordered.

Q2 Did the advice you received from Paccloa have a positive impact on your international expansion?

There were many.

One of the most important is that she guided us on how to put into practice the sales strategies that we had carefully planned and worked out in advance.

Ms. Ogawa is very understanding of the company’s position and acts as the brains of the company.

She has a wealth of experience in international negotiations, and she makes us feel strongly that we are dealing with a person who is different from the Japanese.

Q3 What did you think of the sometimes harsh advice?

I don’t remember any harsh advice.

I appreciate the fact that they tell me what is important and what I should avoid in my experience with a high probability of success.

Q4 Have you consulted with any other experts or consultants regarding international expansion?

Yes, I have.

Generally speaking, consultants are very good at sharing their knowledge, and we get very little out of them.

Ms. Ogawa, on the other hand, is very good at stripping away all of their knowledge and extracting the information they have, and she is able to draw out good information from them.

In addition, she not only understands the market, but also has a high level of leadership in market formation and sales strategies, and is quick to take action and make decisions on what she thinks.

Q5 What, if anything, has made a lasting impression on you?

She thinks delicately yet boldly, boldly yet delicately, and is like an indispensable strategist.

It is no exaggeration to say that your dreams will come true at Paccloa’s Ms. Ogawa, and I believe that working together will be a good foundation.

As a side note, I have learned from observation during my international business trips that she is not in a good mood unless she is in a hotel where cigarettes are not allowed and a good breakfast is provided (laugh).