

International expansion support for SMEs



Despite extremely busy domestic business, the president-elect’s efforts (concurrently serving as president) enabled continued exports to France.      

Release 2022.01.25
Update 2024.7.30

Company U

Five fingers socks manufacturer / Nara

Profile of Company U

【Business】Manufacturing industry

【Capital】 10 million yen

【Sales】130 million yen

【Number of employees】 13 [Founded in] Founded in 1928 Established in 1957

Inquiries and issues

We need to start developing international sales channels and get them off the ground.

Paccloa’s Proposals and Support

Advice on the difference between international and domestic distribution

Preparation and merchandising advice for opening international Pop Up Shops

Advice on English templates and talk skills necessary for business meetings with international buyers.

Support for the creation of international cross-border e-commerce sites using Shopify

Support for the production of product videos for international markets


Know-how on initial response to international inquiries

International Pricing

Dealing with international buyers at trade shows

Website content that resonates with international consumers

Merchandising on the company’s e-commerce site

Testimonial from the President

Q1 What was the status of your company’s international expansion at the beginning?

In our fifth year of international expansion, we have finally been able to consistently increase sales in Paris, France.

We are planning to try crowdfunding this fiscal year.

Q2 Did the advice you received from Paccloa have a positive impact on your international expansion?

Ms. Ogawa helped us to take our international expansion business, which we thought was unfeasible, and to proceed with it steadily.

Q3 What did you think of the sometimes harsh advice?

Since we have a small number of employees, I was the only one working on the international business, but it was very encouraging to have Paccloa’s “accompaniment” in the midst of all this.

She guided me on how to expand internationally in a way that suited my company.

Q4 Have you consulted with any other experts or consultants regarding international expansion?

We consulted with other consultants several times, but they all promoted large international exhibitions, which we felt very uncomfortable with our capacity.

However, Ms. Ogawa thought of an international business that was feasible for our company, so she gave us a lot of guidance that was different from what we had received from previous consultants, and we trusted her very much and were able to put it into action.

Q5 What, if anything, has made a lasting impression on you?

As I have said many times before, we were grateful for the “accompaniment” we received.

Seeing Ms. Ogawa’s desperate efforts to guide us, I realized that we could not succeed in international expansion if we were half-hearted, and I was able to work hard to implement the project.

We are still in the process of development, so I would like to ask for your continued guidance.


– I consulted Ms. Ogawa because I didn’t know what we could do to expand our business internationally on our own.

We are a small manufacturing and sales company with 13 employees, and as a new step, we wanted to expand our business internationally.

However, we did not know what to do and how to go about it, and even though we participated in government and prefectural support programs for international expansion, we often ended up completing our projects on a one-time basis, so we were struggling with how to proceed with international expansion on our own.

When I was considering giving up on international expansion for the sake of profits, I met Ms. Ogawa, and she guided me through the process.

She was very kind and took me under her wing.

I was particularly surprised when Ms. Ogawa told me, “It doesn’t matter how big or small your company is.

The road to international expansion is a steady one, and it was difficult for us to thoroughly and thoroughly estimate the market, select a translation company, and choose an outsourcing company.

However, Ms. Ogawa was very encouraging because she accompanied us and guided us through every step of the way, including attending business meetings and international exhibitions.

I was encouraged by her regular guidance and guidelines.

I received friendly advice and support every time I consulted with them about my international business every few months.

Due to our steady international expansion, there were times when we lost our way.

However, Paccloa appreciated our efforts and pointed out areas where we needed to change and correct course.

By responding, I was always able to boost my self-esteem and know that I was moving forward little by little.

I was able to take steady steps and achieve results in international expansion that I thought I could not do on my own.

The business that we thought we couldn’t do at the beginning of the consultation has gradually become a proven success, and we are now consistently generating sales in France every month.

In addition, we are planning to take on a new challenge this fiscal year, which until a few years ago we thought we would never be able to take on.

As Ms. Ogawa mentioned many times during our consultations, we believe that our current achievements are due to her guidance that there is a suitable international expansion for each company, and that she was able to actually promote business development suitable for our company.

Although we have almost fallen behind many times, we will continue to consult with Ms. Ogawa and strive for international expansion so that as many people as possible will be able to use our products.