

International expansion support for SMEs



【2022 Grant Adoption】We are pleased to announce that our client has been selected for the “FY2022 Subsidy for Business Creation Support Program for Overcoming the Crisis.

Release 2022.08.12
Update 2024.7.31


We are pleased to announce that one of our clients has been selected for a subsidy from the Kyoto Prefectural Government for the FY2022 Business Creation Support Program for Overcoming Crisis.

Paccloa Co., Ltd. will provide the following services in connection with this grant.

Assistance in the preparation of grant application documents

Assistance in responding to second round interviews for grants

F/S implementation plan formulation in a certain country in the Middle East, and accompaniment of F/S survey on site,

Support for developing international sales channels

Communication and proposal support with investment ministries, embassies, and private companies in a Middle Eastern country.

Support for creation of digital tools for online business negotiations

Support for localization of corporate strengths and product information necessary for international expansion

Creation of a direct trade system


When the grant application period begins

Applications for government grants that can be used for international expansion are always open from late spring and close within a month or two.

 It is difficult to be selected for a grant if you have not made adequate preparations in advance, so early planning is essential.

The first step to a smooth international expansion is not to force your company’s business plan to fit into a grant framework, but rather to carefully consider your company’s international expansion in the first place, search for a suitable grant, apply for a grant if one is available, and have your application accepted.

It takes a few years for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop international sales channels from scratch.

 If your company is interested in expanding internationally using the subsidy in the spring of 2023 or later, please do not hesitate to contact Paccloa Co., Ltd.

Free consultation is available for companies that are considering using subsidies or have already secured a budget (at any time).

We offer Zoom interviews (about 1 hour), please talk to us in detail.

Click here to contact us.

Inquiry Form, please select “I would like to discuss other matters” for your inquiry.

This free meeting will be conducted via Zoom only and is scheduled to last approximately one hour.

If you would like to schedule a meeting at a later date, please indicate at least three specific dates in the “Details” box.

If you have a specific plan, please provide an outline. If you do not have a specific plan, please describe what you are having trouble with. Ifyou do not have a specific plan, please provide an outline.

 The number of applications for and the number of applications adopted for the fiscal 2022 subsidy for business creation support projects to overcome the crisis, which we supported, were the same.

 (Adoption rate: 100%)

 We look forward to hearing from you.