【October, 2022】We are pleased to announce that several of our clients have been selected for the “Subsidy for Expanding International Demand Using Digital Tools (Digital Tool Utilization Type)” in the supplementary budget for FY2021.

We are pleased to announce that several of our clients have been selected by theSmall and Medium Enterprise Agency for the “Subsidy for Expanding International Demand Using Digital Tools (Digital Tool Utilization Type)” in the fiscal 2021 supplementary budget.
Paccloa Co., Ltd. will provide the following services as a supporting partner for this grant.
Assistance in preparing grant applications
Support for international business planning
Support for creation of own-brand store pages on Amazon in several European countries
Support for tax and regulatory investigations necessary for cross-border EC business in multiple European countries
Marketing market/competitive research, analysis, and improvement support for multiple European countries
Marketing market/competitive research, analysis, and improvement support for multiple Asian countries
Support for persona and customer journey research, analysis, and improvement for international customers.
Support for international branding and storytelling
Support for the production and direction of creative (photos, videos, text) to communicate the appeal of the product to international customers.
Support for international SNS promotion, management, and content improvement
Support for major renovation of product pages on the English version of the corporate website
Content writing support for B2B/B2C sites (creation of new articles and revision of existing articles in owned media for international clients)
Support for self-starting site operation and creation of a direct trade system
When the grant application period begins
The call for applications for the Subsidy for Projects to Expand International Demand Using Digital Tools opened on May 17, 2022, and closed a month and a half later, at the end of June 2022.
It is very difficult to be selected for a new subsidy project without prior preparation, so early planning is essential.
In addition, rather than forcing your company’s business plan to fit into a grant framework, you should first carefully consider your company’s international expansion, search for a suitable grant, apply for a grant if one is available, and then apply for and receive a grant, which will give momentum to your international expansion.
It takes two to three years for small and medium-sized enterprises to develop international sales channels from scratch.
If your company is interested in expanding internationally using the grant for the next fiscal year, spring 2023 or later, please do not hesitate to contact Paccloa Co., Ltd. preferably in the winter.
Free consultation is available for companies that are considering using subsidies or
have already secured a budget (at any time).
We offer Zoom interviews (about 1 hour), please talk to us in detail.
Inquiry Form,
Please select “I would like to discuss other matters” for your inquiry.
This free meeting will be conducted via Zoom only and is scheduled to last approximately one hour.
If you would like to schedule a meeting at a later date, please indicate at least three specific dates in the “Details” box. If you have a specific plan, please provide an outline.
If you do not have a specific plan, please describe what you are having trouble with.
If you do not have a specific plan, please provide an outline.
The number of applications for the subsidy for the project to expand international demand through the use of digital tools, which we supported, was the same as the number of applications adopted.
(Adoption rate: 100%)
We look forward to hearing from you.